Northeast Annual Cybersecurity Summit, Oct 15th CT was a day of learning for Business & Security leaders on identifying and mitigating current risks such #Ransomware #BEC, using #artificialintelligence for business and learn about emerging risks as #cybersecurity for IoT and smartcities, #GCTC CPAC and protecting critical infrastructure.

Deidre Diamond emceed the event on a cheery note and introduced the NEACS Chair, Pamela Gupta, President OutSecure.

Ms. Gupta in her opening remarks mentioned that we are at a point in cybersecurity where we are still not remediating risks such as Ransowmware and Business email compromise and were facing an onslaught of critical risks from a deluge of digital data and emerging technology such as IoT, Artificial Intelligence. She said at NEACS there were sessions that cornered approaches for both current and emerging risks.

She mentioned she had written a Ransomware protection plan, FBI was presenting on Business email compromise – both of these are causing the highest impact on organizations bottom-line and productivity today.

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